NASH LOG 11/9/2024


Well shit 

Where have I been? 

I legit just forgot the password to this and others 

Stopped doing the comics some time ago, stopped being worth it when I started stockpiling my antidepressant just in case 

I don’t completely regret it all, I say that cause it’s not like I can go back in time and change everything- but hey I met a lot of good people who still have my back to this day 

I loved making people laugh but sometimes I wasn’t as careful as a I should've been or sensitive enough (I don’t regret tackling the subjects though), plus my bitch tendencies got me into arguments I mean should’ve just stfu 

 I don’t think Twitter is a suitable platform for artists

I don’t believe in communities anymore, just populations- I’m part of the trans population


I left when a niche subset of trans twitter wanted me to be the villain of the week, it irks me how they got on my case over the most minuscule stupidest shit but they always befriended/followed someone who did worse (say what you want about me but I never pretended to be something I’m not) 

Fuck it, I moved on

These people don’t scare me, I doubt they can come here to harm me in some way 

What projects I’ve been up to? 

Okay this will sound unrelated and out of nowhere but hear me out but after losing someone dear to me and having to deal with bullshit online I wasn’t in the best of head spaces, I felt so empty and I needed a distraction asap- I was on my Xbox x looking for something on sale and lo and behold they got a life is strange bundle on sale, I was obsessed with the first game when it first came out back in 2015 

I played True Colors and for the first time ever I felt seen, I was still grieving and that’s okay. I’m not a bad person for not getting over it 

Then I replayed the first game and welp something must’ve been reignited 

LiS and ace attorney been my anchors, so far I’ve doing hella fanart and currently I’m working on a fantasy visual novel

I even preordered the new game like a dummy 


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