
NASH LOG 11/9/2024

  Well shit  Where have I been?  I legit just forgot the password to this and others  Stopped doing the comics some time ago, stopped being worth it when I started stockpiling my antidepressant just in case  I don’t completely regret it all, I say that cause it’s not like I can go back in time and change everything- but hey I met a lot of good people who still have my back to this day  I loved making people laugh but sometimes I wasn’t as careful as a I should've been or sensitive enough (I don’t regret tackling the subjects though), plus my bitch tendencies got me into arguments I mean should’ve just stfu   I don’t think Twitter is a suitable platform for artists I don’t believe in communities anymore, just populations- I’m part of the trans population   I left when a niche subset of trans twitter wanted me to be the villain of the week, it irks me how they got on my case over the most minuscule stupidest shit but they always befriended/followed someone who did worse (say what you

NASH LOG 18/8/2022

  Oh shit another update well I'm still here I've been toying with the idea of starting a youtube channel, maybe not- Still, it would be nice to ramble on about stupid shit instead of writing about it. I hate writing, that's why I update this blog once a blue moon.  I got shit ton of projects, and so much to study. College is ending soon, and I'll get to save more money next year.  I apologize, nothing special for now. I need to get shit done

NASH LOG: 1/30/2022

 NASH LOG: 1/30/2022 I'm ready to start working on my passion project of 4 years, the "DREAMS" project.  I've finally decided on a medium that feels appropriate enough to tell this story, something I have experience with and is manageable with my tight schedule, a webcomic.  I had a hard time picking the right way to represent the project, at some point- I was bold enough to think of pitching it as a pilot of some sort,  Even more ludicrous, I thought of animating the whole thing.  I wanted DREAMS to be larger than life, sensational to everyone else, not just me. But, I've come to the realization that's not gonna happen and it's alright. DREAMS is a very personal project, it caters to my sensibilities, interest, and nostalgia. It's just not a product that you can manufacture its appeal for general audiences,  DREAMS is a queer story, told by a queer guy, shared amongst his queer friends and supporters. Also, the queer guy has this weird fixation with e
  Ahaha so i kinda abandoned this, well i dont think i should cause it might be a good place to archive your work (as my friend jim suggested) Here are all the comics from 2021, all i can say is that my art improved, i handle some topics better and avoid those i know i won't be good at handling or maybe, its just not really my place to handle i wont touch on

Terf-Mockery Cartoon Strips

Here all my anti-terf comics, I hope enjoy them. I have concluded this series earlier this year. Although, some strips won't be posted here as I don't think they aged all that well. Thank you and have a nice day.