NASH LOG: 1/30/2022

 NASH LOG: 1/30/2022

I'm ready to start working on my passion project of 4 years, the "DREAMS" project. 

I've finally decided on a medium that feels appropriate enough to tell this story, something I have experience with and is manageable with my tight schedule, a webcomic. 

I had a hard time picking the right way to represent the project, at some point- I was bold enough to think of pitching it as a pilot of some sort, 

Even more ludicrous, I thought of animating the whole thing. 

I wanted DREAMS to be larger than life, sensational to everyone else, not just me. But, I've come to the realization that's not gonna happen and it's alright. DREAMS is a very personal project, it caters to my sensibilities, interest, and nostalgia. It's just not a product that you can manufacture its appeal for general audiences, 

DREAMS is a queer story, told by a queer guy, shared amongst his queer friends and supporters. Also, the queer guy has this weird fixation with eighties middle-class America but we'll talk about this later-

And I'd like DREAMS to stay this way, just a comfort story told by this tranny on the internet. 

Here's a rough sketch of our main characters: 


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